All Over Print
Libertarian Clothing
An all over print doesn’t waste a single square inch of real estate. If someone were only to catch a fleeting glimpse of you while you were sporting your Libertas Bella all over print tote bag, mug or phone case, they’d still be able to conclude that you are one impeccably stylish cat.
You have surely witnessed and admired the all over print in action before. Personally, we grew up in a very rural area where the average vehicle was a pickup truck with a towering lift kit and enough empty beer cans in its bed to manufacture a Boeing 747-8 out of. Whenever such a miraculous truck’s driver would emerge from the cab, you could rest assured they would be wearing an all over print camo T-shirt, and possibly pants. They wore this because they knew at any possible moment they might have to blend in with the scenery for the purposes of buck hunting or police evasion.
But the all over print isn’t only popular in the countryside. We’re increasingly seeing this all-encompassing pattern utilized by the fashion industry’s most respected haute couture designers. We’re not going to name names, but one certain luxury brand that rhymes with “Smoochie” is just about to release a new line of T-shirts that feature all over prints of popular Saturday morning cartoon characters. Our buddy Ronald told us so at the bar last night.
But Smoochie has got nothing on Libertas Bella. Our all over prints feature pro-freedom designs – guns, historical iconography, and libertarian symbols guaranteed to stir even the coldest, hardest of hearts. As a rule every all over print accessory we offer evinces our characteristic commitment to high quality.